We have a question in regard to billing with code J7187, which you mentioned last week. We have been using J7188 all of 2007, but you said that the effective date of the new code J7187 is January 1, 2007. What effect does this have on claims already submi

You will have to follow the guidelines below for inpatient claims submitted from January 1 through September 30, 2007 (and for dates of discharge on or after January 1, 2007).

- For claims for hospital inpatient care, continue to report J7188.
- Once payment has been received for the inpatient claim, immediately submit an adjustment request (type of bill 117) using the J7187 code.
- Once Medicare systems are ready to process the J7187 code, the adjustment will process automatically.

On October 1 and after, Medicare systems will be ready to accept new code J7187. Claims submitted with that code before the implementation date will be returned to the provider. An adjustment request, as described above, is the only exception to this rule.

For more information, go to Transmittal 1234, available at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/Transmittals/downloads/R1234CP.pdf.