Medical Office Financial Handbook 2008

ISBN: 978-1-58383-632-3
Publisher: Contexo Media
Price: $149.95

This is a very comprehensive book on understanding and managing financial health for a medical office taking you through all of the aspects of this sometimes, overwhelming task.

This book appeals to a variety of different readers including someone who aspires to take on a management role, someone new to management or even someone who has had the role for a while and would like ideas on improving the bottom line for the practice. Chapter headings of budgeting and marketing provide great information for even the experienced manager as these issues are core to a practices' success and should be reviewed yearly.

Other topics such as goal setting and strategic planning, leadership and management, practice management and organization, financials outcomes and controls and practice valuation to name a few are all essential topics that managers need to be well versed in.

This is a very easy-to-read book and a great reference tool for later use. If you are planning to start a new practice, moving up (or aspiring to) into a management role or even need a little refreshing on management issues then this a great book for you.