Ms. Dunn is the "nuts & bolts" member of First Class Solutions, Inc. Her health information management and senior administrative experience in a large teaching hospital and chief financial officer background in a multi-hospital system coupled with her national managed care position with a large health care insurance company allows her to see the health care industry from many perspectives.
Rose is a nationally recognized professional in the health information industry and has served as President and Board member of the American Health Information Management Association, the national association for health information professionals. During her career of more than thirty (30) years she has spoken publicly on numerous occasions, held adjunct faculty positions in baccalaureate and master degree programs, and has authored a prolific list of publications. In 1997, Rose was awarded AHIMA's highest honor--the Distinguished Member Award and 2008 AHIMA's Legacy Award.
Rose has written or edited several texts including The Legal Manual for Missouri published by the Missouri Health Information Management Association, Supervisory Management for Healthcare Organizations published by W.C. Brown, Haimann's Supervisory Management for Healthcare Organizations published by McGraw Hill, Finance Principles for the Health Information Manager published by AHIMA, Dunn & Haimann's Healthcare Management published by Health Administration Press, Guide to Release of Information, More with Less: Best Practices for HIM Directors, Coder Productivity and published by HCPRO, and in Health Information: Management of a Strategic Resource, the Finance chapter of a text published by W.B. Saunders.
She has served in temporary HIM and Patient Account management positions resulting in successfully reducing accounts receivable; eliminating backlogs; reducing incomplete records; improving department image; creating climates of cooperation between medical records, patient accounts and registration; and, often, creating climates of collaboration between the HIM/medical records staff, medical staff and administration. Rose has extensive experience involving staff in and effectively implementing work restructuring and reengineering projects.
Rose also has facilitated strategic planning sessions and provided Performance Improvement training for hospital boards and medical staffs. Her knowledge of the computer-based patient record has allowed her to initiate the planning for paperless environments at her clients.
Ms. Dunn is instrumental in establishing refined managed care networks based on qualitative measurements and credentialing efforts. She has directed provider relations, customer service, utilization management and outcome profiling activities for third party payers.
In addition to the Eastern Missouri, Missouri and American Health Information Management Associations, Rose is a Fellow in the Health Care Financial Management Association and American College of Healthcare Executives, a Certified Managed Care Professional, and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Ms. Dunn holds a B.S. and M.B.A. from St. Louis University.