Dave Jakielo has over 30 years of hands on management experience. His background includes twelve years in hospital patient finance and, subsequently, over two decades of managing physician practices nationwide.
Dave has been speaking, consulting and teaching business methods to managers, clerical staffs, business owners and other professionals throughout North America and in Europe and Asia.
He has extensive experience in sales, marketing, customer service, business start-ups and turnarounds, due diligence process and acquisitions assimilation.
He is co-author of four books:
"The Sales Coach...Tips from the Pros
"Information Technology for the Practicing Physician
"Real World Customer Service Strategies
"Conversations on Success
He is also a regular columnist.
Dave received his CHBME (Certified Healthcare Billing & Management Executive) in 1998. His professional membership includes being a Past President of the Healthcare Billing & Management Association (HBMA). In addition he is past President of the National Speakers Association - Pittsburgh Chapter, and also holds membership in the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
He was recently appointed as Public Director to the Radiology Coding Certification Board. Read more about this by clicking here.
Dave is a graduate of University of Pittsburgh and received his Masters in Management from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a certified trainer and has trained at the Buckley School of Public Speaking. He is President of his own Seminars & Consulting Company.