CPT® Coding Essentials for Orthopedics: Lower Extremities 2016


CPT® Coding Essentials for Orthopedics: Lower Extremities 2016

Date Posted: Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Published by:  American Medical Association and Decision Health, LLC.
Available from:  https://commerce.ama-assn.org/store/
AMA member price: $134.95
Non-member price: $179.95 Now $143.96 (discounted until 03/31/2016)

Here is a book that is one of those books that encompasses everything you would ever imagine that you would need to successfully code orthopedic procedures from the waist down.

The CPT® Coding Essentials for Orthopedics: Lower Extremities 2016 follows the same type of format that the Upper Extremities and Spine edition does. There are chapters covering terminology, abbreviations, and basic anatomy, Introduction to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS, anatomy and physiology, ICD-10-CM documentation, and CPT® Procedural Coding.

Each CPT® code has the official description provided, as well as the following: AMA Coding Guidelines, AMA Coding Notes, plain-English descriptions, an illustration of the procedure, ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes, ICD-10 diagnostic codes, CCI Edits, AMA CPT® Assistant information, Facility and non-facility RVUs, and modifiers. Really, how much more information on one code do you need? They really have thought of everything, which of course makes your job as a coder easier.

If you code orthopedics (upper, lower, spine, etc.), I truly believe that you will find these books a necessary part of your coding routine.

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Email info@billing-coding.com.

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