WIN ME!!! The New Thriving Medical Practice: How to Get Off the Hamster Wheel, Work Smarter (Not Harder), Generate More Revenue and Enjoy Greater Career Satisfaction in the Era of the Affordable Care Act


WIN ME!!! The New Thriving Medical Practice: How to Get Off the Hamster Wheel, Work Smarter (Not Harder), Generate More Revenue and Enjoy Greater Career Satisfaction in the Era of the Affordable Care Act

Date Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Title: The New Thriving Medical Practice: How to Get Off the Hamster Wheel, Work Smarter (Not Harder), Generate More Revenue and Enjoy Greater Career Satisfaction in the Era of the Affordable Care Act

Written by: Patrick Phillips and Vicki Rackner, MD.

Price: $24.95

It’s a fact that you cannot serve patients if you are unable to meet your payroll. If you cannot meet your overheads, then how can you practice? This book will tell you how to get your practice past being “profitable” and instead get it to thrive in the era of the Affordable Care Act. Most physicians have little or no training in the business aspect of running a medical practice. This book, written by a retired general surgeon and a physician consultant, will correct that. Every aspect of a medical practice is covered, including a proven formula for medical practice success, new beliefs about sales and marketing, how to offer an extraordinary experience for patients, creating a magnetic online reputation, how to find any and all leaks in your cash-flow immediately, how to perform a medical practice makeover, how to build a thriving network of referrals, how to identify profitable activities in your practice, how to perform a medical practice makeover, how to build a thriving network of referrals, how to find any and all leaks in your cash-flow immediately, and more.

To win this book, in 100 words or less tell us how this book can help you and email it to nichole@billing-coding.com by 11.59pm EST February 22nd, 2017!

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